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Horse sudden weight loss - stallion abrupt weight loss

01-02-2017 à 11:05:39
Horse sudden weight loss
Until a definite diagnosis has been reached, then weight loss should not be taken lightly, as there are some serious and progressive diseases that can ultimately be fatal. Each horse might be fed appropriate amounts of hay and grain for his body weight, but the Quarter Horse might be eating his intended (smaller) meal and chasing the Thoroughbred away from his much-needed meal. This is an uncommon reason for weight loss. For a time, weight loss or poor condition might be hidden by a long winter coat, or under a winter blanket. Some conditions may cause thickening of the gut wall which can interfere with the absorption of nutrients. This can be due to enzyme deficiencies, so food cannot be broken down. There are many potential reasons why a horse can lose weight, but they can be divided into categories for ease of understanding. There are many other causes of weight loss in horses, including kidney and liver disease, endocrine problems, inability of the intestines to absorb nutrients (malabsorption), chronic infection, gastric ulcers, presence of intestinal sand, and internal tumors. Horses with long standing cases of choke are unable to swallow due to physical obstruction, but not usually for long enough for significant weight loss. After performing a complete physical examination, your veterinarian might elect to draw blood for a complete blood count and chemistry panel. Prehension problems are uncommon, for example, facial nerve paralysis leading to a loss of control of lips. For example, an event horse is usually in leaner body condition than a show hunter. Unavailable food, for example, a horse being bullied away from supplementary feed in the field. It is advisable to have your veterinarian recheck the horse in one to two months to make sure there is satisfactory progress. Thin horses should be fed separately to ensure they have adequate time to eat without pasturemates chasing them away from their feed.

This exam is best made through use of a full-mouth speculum, which allows each tooth to be carefully palpated and visualized. A relative lack of food, for example, a horse with a much higher workload being fed the same amount of food. The veterinarian can evaluate the horse for sharp enamel points, loose or broken teeth, foul mouth odor (a sign of a possible rotten tooth), and infected gingiva or teeth. The veterinarian can review deworming methods and collect a fecal sample so an egg count can be performed. There are three main causes of unplanned weight loss: Malnutrition, parasitism, and dental problems. Rarely, foals can be born with a lactase deficiency and be unable to digest milk. Rare conditions of the upper airways can affect the nerves that control swallowing. Competition arises when, for example, a bossy Quarter Horse is housed with a high-strung Thoroughbred. The lining of the large and small intestines plays a crucial role in the absorption of nutrients, and damage to these membranes can prevent nutrients being absorbed into the bloodstream. The presence of broken, loose, or infected teeth can make chewing so painful that the horse stops eating. Other diseases may place extremely high demands of energy on the body, which leads to a relative energy deficiency and subsequent weight loss. It is very helpful to record a baseline weight with a weight tape and to monitor progress weekly. Having said this, the majority of cases are fairly simple to diagnose and treat and carry an excellent prognosis. Inability to chew properly will affect absorption of food, and a painful mouth will reduce appetite. An absolute lack of food, for example, an over grazed field with no grass left. These are extraordinarily rare in the horse, with one example being.

Horse sudden weight loss video:

stallion abrupt weight loss tags:
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